¡Inglés como un nativo hablante!

Con nuestro modelo educativo híbrido, nuestros alumnos aprenden inglés como lo harían en una escuela en Estados Unidos.

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Convenio con Abeka

Hemos hecho un convenio con la editorial norte americana Abeka, que provee libros de estudios a escuelas en estados Unidos, para crear un modelo hibrido de educación, así nuestros alumnos van a aprender inglés, como lo harían en una escuela en Estados Unidos.

Esta nueva manera de aprender inglés empieza a los 2 años con Bambú y continúa durante toda la escuela en las aulas de LaCross.


Abeka’s proven approach to teaching helps teachers teach and students learn.


It begins with our innovative philosophy in education

This teacher-directed framework empowers teachers to focus students’ attention on the material they need to learn—in a context and sequence that will help them learn it best.

Spiral Learning

Spiral learning

As students begin to grasp what’s being taught, newly acquired concepts and skills are fortified time and again using a method often referred to as spiral learning.

Learn, apply, and master

Learn, apply, and master

Finally, students’ growing mastery of subject matter is strengthened because of the comprehensive design of our curriculum. Material taught in one subject is reinforced in other subjects. Every step of the way, students learn, apply, and master new concepts and skills.

Since education shouldn’t end with a diploma, Abeka gives students a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning. We make it easy so you can make it amazing.

Enjoy the experience!